executive creative director/writer | Twitter: @janthonylong

Peace Whopper
This work won our client Burger King 17 Lions, including two Grand Prix, a Grand Effie and a raft of other major awards (full list below). In collaboration with our partner agencies (Y&R New Zealand, Alison Brod PR, and David), we called a cease fire with our long time rival to collaborate on a burger that would make history: the "McWhopper."

The campaign began with a letter to McDonald's that ran in the New York Times and shared on our social channels. Within 48 hours, we'd generated 2B impressions.

McDonald's response was...less than enthusiastic. But we did hear from Denny's, Krystal, Wayback, and a Brazilian chain, Giraffas, offering to join us. So we took them up on it.

The result? The McWhopper became the Peace day Burger.

And here I am with my incredibly talented team in the war room at Code and Theory.
What a ride.

2017 Effie Awards: GRAND TROPHY
2017 Effie Awards: GOLD TROPHY - Restaurants
2017 Effie Awards: SILVER TROPHY - Carpe Diem Products
2016 Cannes Lions: GOLD - Direct (Integrated Campaign led by Direct)
2016 Cannes Lions: GOLD - Integrated
2016 Cannes Lions: SILVER - Direct (Co-Creation & User Generated Content)
2016 Cannes Lions: BRONZE - Cyber (Co-Creation & User Generated Content)
2016 Cannes Lions: BRONZE - PR (Co-Creation & User Generated Content)
2016 One Show: SILVER - Branded Entertainment
2016 One Show: SILVER - Cross Platform
2016 One Show: BRONZE - Social Media
2016 D&AD: YELLOW PENCIL - Integrated & Innovative Media (Earned Media)
2016 D&AD: YELLOW PENCIL - Use Of Integrated Media
2016 D&AD: YELLOW PENCIL - Direct Integrated Campaign
2016 D&AD: YELLOW PENCIL - Digital Marketing
2016 D&AD: GRAPHITE PENCIL - Integrated & Innovative Media (Integrated)
2016 Andy Awards: GRANDY 'Best In Show' Award